Equipping leaders around the world for Christian ministry


The GlobalEd Institute

As part of the Extension Studies department at Summit Pacific College, the GlobalEd Institute serves constituencies and institutions both in Canada and internationally through providing high quality non-formal learning programs. The Institute functions as part of the GlobalEd department of Mission Global & The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. This department is focussed on equipping ministries associated with the PAOC’s global mission work and partners with a global network of international colleges and leadership development ministries.


Equipping Programs

Through the MG Equip program the GlobalEd Institute equips Canadians for effective global mission work through a comprehensive program of pre-field and global worker candidate services. This is accomplished through providing a complete curriculum of equipping through well-designed online learning.  

Through its Global Programs, the institute serves as a vehicle for theological education and leadership training in international contexts offered in collaboration with like-minded global partners. The training is practical and flexible with variable delivery methods. Programs are based on credible learning methods that lead to desirable outcomes and competencies.

The institute also offers a variety of non-formal Global Programs, working with international partners to address specific equipping needs.


“God is CALLING you, EQUIPPING you and PREPARING you according to HIS PURPOSE”

— Brennan Manning